Getting Involved

In support of the International Atomic Energy Agency and our collective development goals, we aim to bring a broader range of expert communities and specializations to the table to discuss peaceful uses.  In this spirit, your engagement is critical to our shared success. We invite you to join our growing community of peaceful-use champions. We need you to help us grow, mobilize, and connect.

Illustration of a hand holding a small plant


Build a bigger table by convening a wide array of stakeholders, including partner governments, foundations, research institutions, international organizations, and both the public and private sectors with particular attention to engaging the Least Developed Countries.

Illustration of a megaphone


Promote new understanding and greater acceptance of the full range of nuclear technologies, how they are already improving daily life, and how they can further support solutions to our many global challenges by driving awareness and mobilizing new resources and communities.

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Collaborate with the IAEA and other organizations both within and beyond the UN Family. Identify opportunities and promote matchmaking of recipients, donors, and implementers, ensuing that new projects are complementary and not duplicative of existing work​.

To connect with the Sustained Dialogue, please complete the form below or reach out to us via

Describe your interest in the Sustained Dialogue and any specific information you are interested in receiving or way you would like to be included in future engagements.